Starting Capability Architect

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Connect to a database

  • Start Capability Architect.
  • In the opening screen (Figure 2), choose the Microsoft Access option and browse to the directory where you installed the templates.
  • Select the ‘CA Template’ database.
  • Press the Connect button .

CA Opening Screen

Inspect the Main Screen

The main Capability Architect interface is shown in Figure 3. The interface comprises three panes:

  1. The left pane contains a tree diagram of the various systems engineering design elements in a project, such as activities, personnel, requirements, functions, components and connections. Each element is represented as a node in the tree diagram.
  2. The upper pane shows the properties associated with the selected node, such as the name, number and description.
  3. The lower pane lists the relationships specified for each node. For example, a System Requirement specifies a Function; or a System Requirement is verified by a Verification Method.
Starting Capability Architect