Starting Capability Architect
Connect to a database
- Start Capability Architect.
- In the opening screen (Figure 2), choose the Microsoft Access option and browse to the directory where you installed the templates.
- Select the ‘CA Template’ database.
- Press the Connect button .
Inspect the Main Screen
The main Capability Architect interface is shown in Figure 3. The interface comprises three panes:
- The left pane contains a tree diagram of the various systems engineering design elements in a project, such as activities, personnel, requirements, functions, components and connections. Each element is represented as a node in the tree diagram.
- The upper pane shows the properties associated with the selected node, such as the name, number and description.
- The lower pane lists the relationships specified for each node. For example, a System Requirement specifies a Function; or a System Requirement is verified by a Verification Method.
Starting Capability Architect